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Year 2 - Fox & Otter Class

Welcome to Year 2

Welcome back, we hope you had a wonderful summer!

Mrs Furze is the class teacher in Foxes and is supported by Mrs Harwood and Miss Brogden.

Mrs Atkins is the class teacher in Otters and is supported by Mrs Ball.

Teachers can be contacted on the following email addresses

Key Dates

  • Friday 4th October 2024 - Year 2 Harvest Service at St John's Church. Parents welcome for tea and coffee from 8:30am.

Children will have PE on a Friday so can come to school in their PE kits. Please ensure that all uniform is labelled, especially jumpers!

Reading/ homework expectations

Every week the children will bring home three reading books, two will be scheme books where children will apply the phonic sounds that they have learned that week.  Please look inside your reading record each week for a phonics focus. The third book will be a choosing book, children may need support reading this one.  Please look at this book together and discuss what is happening using key questions: who? where? why? when? and how?

Reading needs to be recorded in their reading record and it is expected that children read at least 5 times a week.

Children will bring home key words to practise. These are common exception words and it is expected that children are able to read and spell them all by the end of the year. These will be assessed weekly in school and children will be given the next card when they are able to read and spell the words.

Children will need to bring their book bags in every day, however books will be changed once a week and words will be checked:

Monday- Group 1, Tuesday- Group 2, Wednesday- Group 3, Thursday- Group 4 and Friday- Group 5. Your child's group is recorded in their reading record.

It is vital that children are regularly reading at home and practising their key words to support the learning that they are doing in class.

Reading stars 

When children read at home, they will receive a reading star for every 10 reads (they will have a tracker in their reading record so that you know how many they are on). When children reach every 50 reads, they will be rewarded a certificate and a book of their choice to take home.

Phonics screening

Children that did not pass the Y1 Phonics screening will retake this in June. Please take some time to look through the parents guide power point, this will explain what happens in the screening and how you can support your child at home with this. There are also some resources below that you can use at home.