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The children in Foundation Stage and KS1 will be offered a healthy snack to eat at break-time. This will be provided by the school and can be any of the following; an apple, carrot, pear, tomatoes' and lots of other healthy snacks available to the children. If you wish to supply your child with their own snack we would encourage you to make this a healthy snack such as a piece of fruit. The children will eat this during their break time at 10.30 - 10.45. The children will also have their drinks available to them during this time and we again encourage you to supply your child with water or a fruit juice no fizzy drinks please. 

Children in KS2 can bring their own snack to school to have at break-time, which will be 10.15-10.30. Can we please ask that the snack is a healthy one as suggested above and also supply your child with a drink preferably water.