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Foundation Stage - Ladybird & Butterfly Class

Welcome to the Foundation Stage at Eastover!

Ladybird class is taught by Mrs Irish (Mon,Tues, Wed, Fri) and Mrs Sharma (Thursday). Mrs Sellick is the teaching assistant.

Butterfly class is taught by Mrs Hoppins and Mrs Sykes and Mrs Lane is the teaching assistant.

The inclusion team is  Miss Wasilewska.


We look forward to welcoming all children to Foundation Stage on Tuesday 3rd September.

Unlocking Letters and Sounds Phase 2 and 3

Please enjoy learning the GPC
‘S(grapheme phoneme correspondences) with the Year 1 children.

Key Dates for your diaries (Autumn 2024):

  • 18th September - Welcome to Foundation Stage Parents Meetings 3.30pm
  • EYFS and Phonics Workshop - Friday 27th October in the school hall
  • Tuesday 22nd October - Parents Evening 
  • Wednesday 23rd October - Parents Evening
  • 21st November - Maths workshop for parents 2.30pm
  • 18th, 19th, 20th November -Come and Play with your child. 
  • 16th, 17th, 18th December Christmas Crafts with Parents
  • 18th December - Foundation Stage Xmas Concert
  • 20th December - Foundation Stage Christmas Party


Please remember to keep checking Seesaw for all our up to date information!  If you are having trouble logging in please speak to us. 

This term we have two topics - All About Me and Let's Celebrate! 

No Outsiders Ethos

The aim in EYFS is to introduce the No Outsiders ethos using very simplistic language: we are all different and we are all friends. There is nothing more complicated in the EYFS plans than the message that it's ok to be you and you may be different to me, but that's ok too.

You Choose encourages children to choose their favourite place to live, favourite transport, favourite food etc and shows that we all like different things. This is explored further in Red Rockets and Rainbow Jelly, where characters Nick and Sue are shown liking different things throughout the book, but conclude by saying they like each other. Hello Hello shows different animals with a range of shapes and colours who all say 'hello' and no one is left out. The Family Book shows children that there are many types of families - and then we draw our own family. Mommy, Mama and Me allows children to understand some families have two mums (or two dads); we talk about the things Mommy and Mama do with their child and ask if our own families do similar things (go to the park, drink juice, kiss goodnight). Finally, Blue Chameleon shows a lonely chameleon trying to make friends by changing shape and colour; he thinks you have to look like someone else to be friends. At the end, Chameleon realises you can be yourself and you don't have to change.

A mini tour of Eastover Primary School


Welcome to Eastover Primary School - this is a short tour, led by two of our Y6 pupils, of the main areas your child will experience in their first year at our school.

  • School Readiness Here is lots of useful information to prepare your child for school.

Reception Baseline Assessment 2024

When your child starts school they will be asked to complete some activities linked to language, reading and maths. This is a national assessment for all 4 year olds. The activities are devised with children in mind and are completed with the teacher. All the information linked to this assessment is in the leaflet below. Any questions please see your class teacher.