House Point Totals
Monthly House Winners:
February Winners - Montacute
November Winners - Hestercombe
October winners - Barrington
September winners - Hestercombe
Meet the House Captain team for 2024/2025
Montacute - House Captain: Ivy / Vice Captain: Sydney
Dillington - House Captain: Harrison / Vice Captain: Dexter
Barrington - House Captain: Ellie / Vice Captain: Amanda
Hestercombe - House Captain: Lily / Vice Captain: Sabine
House Captain Voting
We had the best response to the voting for House Captains ever! Thank you to all the children that took part, the speeches that they made were eloquent, thoughtful and heartfelt. Each child who took part received 10 housepoints for their team.
Congratulations to Barrington - 2023/2024 Winners!
Barrington House managed to become 2 x champions with a grand total of 15715 points.
Who will become the champions for 2024/2025?