Whole School Weekly Bulletin 28/03/2025

Whole School Weekly Bulletin 28/03/2025
Whole School Weekly Bulletin 28/03/2025
Whole School:
Following the recent announcement of Miss Darby’s planned retirement, we are pleased to announce that after a rigorous interview process Ms Alcock has been appointed as the new Headteacher of Eastover Primary School from September 2025. As you will know, Ms Alcock has been an integral part of Eastover Primary School since 2011 in her capacity as Deputy Headteacher and is looking forward to continuing to serve the school in her new role as Headteacher. I’m sure you will join us in congratulating Ms Alcock on this achievement.
- You have until Monday to book for parent’s evening next week.
- Extracurricular clubs have now ended for this term, please ensure children are collected at the end of the school day or booked into Twilight afterschool club.
- Have you seen our Twilight afterschool club have some exciting activities planned? There’s an Easter egg hunt and Movie night as well as games, arts & crafts, Lego and more! See attached calendar for the planned activities for April. Booking early is advised as spaces are limited. Sessions can be booked online via Scopay – if your child would like to attend for the first time, please contact the school office.
Year 1 Hestercombe trip is on Wednesday 2nd April. Please ensure you have paid and given consent via Scopay. If your child usually eats a school meal, please ensure you have ordered a packed lunch that day.
Year 4 Swimming is on Monday please make sure you are sending your children in with their swimming kits and towels.
Year 5 Easter Assembly at St John’s Church is on Tuesday 1st April. Children should be in school for the usual start time and parents are invited at the church for coffee from 08:45am.
Year 6 Residential Parent Meeting is on Tuesday 22nd April at 3.15pm in Polar Bears classroom.
Sticky Questions:
As part of our oracy project, we are introducing Sticky Questions. It is a whole school approach, and the idea is the children are talking about a question each week, throughout the school day as well as at home. There is one question for FS, one for KS1 and one for KS2, these will be in the bulletin each week. What makes Sticky Questions “sticky” is that you can keep on discussing them! The sticky questions for w/c 31st March are below:
FS Sticky Question: If you could have a super-power what would it be?
KS1 Sticky Question: Tell each other a story about a lamp going to school?
KS2 Sticky Question: Can you touch a number?
Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility
- If you are concerned about the safety of a child/children, please phone the school office on 01278 422693 and ask to speak to the safeguarding lead.
- If you have a concern outside of school hours you can contact Somerset Direct on 0300 123 2224 (Daytime) or 0300 123 2327 (Out of Hours) for immediate assistance.
- You can also report concerns to NSPCC on 0808 800 5000.
- To support us in safeguarding your children, please make sure that we have at least two up to date contact telephone numbers.
- https://ineqe.com/ is a great website which contains safeguarding information for parents, including E-Safety.
For term dates and more upcoming events, visit the calendar on our website at www.eastoverschool.co.uk/calendar