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Uniform Information

Our school uniform is important at Eastover. It helps children to feel part of a team, and to feel responsible for our school. It helps children to feel neat and proud, and can have a good effect on behaviour.

The school uniform is as follows: 
  • Red sweatshirt or red cardigan
  • White polo shirt 
  • Grey trousers, shorts or grey skirt
  • White socks
  • Sensible plain black shoes* or for the Summer plain white sensible sandals with enclosed toes.

*Trainers are not considered suitable footwear. High heels are not permitted; however, block heels of no more than 3 cm can be worn.

In warmer weather, your daughter may wear a red and white checked gingham dress.

P.E. Kit
  • Plain red T-shirt (no branding)
  • Plain black shorts or tracksuit bottoms (no branding)
  • Suitable black trainers
  • White socks

Permitted jewellery that may be worn is:

  • One pair of stud earrings – no other piercings are permitted.
  • A smart and sensible wrist watch.

Jewellery is the responsibility of the pupil and not the school. Lost or damaged items will not be refunded. All jewellery must be removed during practical lessons, including PE lessons and science experiments.


The school reserves the right to make a judgement on where pupils’ hairstyles or hair colours are inappropriate for the school environment. However, it will ensure that any such judgements do not discriminate against any pupil by virtue of their protected characteristics. Each individual pupil’s scenario will be taken into account where any judgements on appropriateness are to be made, and parents will always have the freedom to complain via the school’s Complaints Procedures Policy.

Pupils with long hair must ensure that this does not impede their vision, cover their face or provide a health and safety risk. Long hair must be tied up during practical lessons, e.g. during PE.

The following hairstyles are not considered appropriate for school:

  • Brightly-coloured, dyed hair.
  • Headwear with bold patterns or colours.
  • Excessive hair accessories.

All pupils’ clothing and footwear must be clearly labelled with their name.

Any lost clothing will be checked for a name label before being taken to the lost property box in the relevant year cloakroom. All lost property is retained for two weeks and is recycled within the school community if it is not collected within this time.

The school cannot be held responsible for any lost property.

Where to buy school uniform 

Branded uniforms can be purchased locally and online at:

South West Schoolwear, Eastover, Bridgwater, TA6 5AB. Link to South West Schoolwear website. 

Goldstar Uniforms, 29 Eastover, Bridgwater, TA6 5AW. Link to Goldstar website.

My Clothing provides school uniforms in our school colours, complete with embroidered emblem. You can order uniforms to be delivered, and they also offer bundle offers: Link to My Clothing Eastover Uniform.

Pre-loved uniform 

Eastover School Office has a selection of pre-loved uniforms available to buy. Sale by cash donation, no set prices, just pay what you can. 

Photo of the pre-loved uniform boxes available in the school office.


Sense Bridgwater, 40 Fore Street, Bridgwater, TA6 3NG provides uniforms at a low cost and raises funds for people with complex disabilities. You can also donate any old school uniform to Sense in Bridgwater, who sell or recycle uniforms. Link to Sense Bridgwater website.

Children must not bring mobile phones, electronic games devices or music devices such as iPods, to school.